Yachats Most Wanted - Dead
Some years ago we produced a brochure featuring the six worst weeds in Yachats. We still have printed copies available, but here is the pdf file if you would like to print your own. It is best printed on legal size paper and then folded. Most Wanted
Some years ago we produced a brochure featuring the six worst weeds in Yachats. We still have printed copies available, but here is the pdf file if you would like to print your own. It is best printed on legal size paper and then folded. Most Wanted
weeds of the month
Click on any weed below to get a one-page printable pdf that tells you why that weed is a problem, and how to deal with it.
Scotch broom (June)
Tansy ragwort (July)
Morning glory (August)
Himalayan blackberry (September)
Knotweed (October)
Ivy (November)
Holly (December)
Pampas Grass (January 2024)
Clematis (February 2024)
Crocosmia/Montbretia (March 2024)
Spurge laurel (April 2024)
Yellow Flag Iris (May 2024)
Tansy ragwort (July)
Morning glory (August)
Himalayan blackberry (September)
Knotweed (October)
Ivy (November)
Holly (December)
Pampas Grass (January 2024)
Clematis (February 2024)
Crocosmia/Montbretia (March 2024)
Spurge laurel (April 2024)
Yellow Flag Iris (May 2024)